The South Caucasus Railway Company (SCR) has launched an investment program for 2023. This year, 2 billion 90 million drams (5.3 million USD) will be spent on the programs of development and maintenance of infrastructure and rolling stock.
According to SCR, 290 million drams will be spent on rolling stock and 1.8 billion drams on infrastructure. 1.7 billion rubles will be invested in track equipment, 30 million rubles in electrification and power supply, 10 million rubles in automation, telemechanics and communication equipment. In 2023 it is planned to completely renovate 14 km of tracks by various types of capital repairs. It is planned to replace 15.6 thousand concrete and 4 thousand wooden sleepers along the entire length of the track.
"This year the main volume of investment funds will be used for maintenance and development of the infrastructure, which directly affects the safety and smooth operation of the railway. 2023 will be a year of hard work for our company. Targeted and effective use of investment funds is one of our priorities, which is supported by transparent tender procedures for the purchase of goods and services," said Aleksey Melnikov, General Director of SCR.